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AMM 46: Menopause & Facial Features: Changes in Women’s Skin

April 13, 2024

Dive into the significant yet often overlooked effects of menopause on facial aesthetics in today’s episode of “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.” Uncover the stark realities of collagen loss, altered facial fat distribution, and skin hydration issues that accompany the hormonal chnages of this life stage. Join us as we explore the importance of tailored care for those experiencing these natural transitions, aiming to maintain that sculpted confidence throughout every chapter of life. Your journey through aesthetic medicine and menopause awaits—empowerment and expertise, all in just a minute.

Quick Takes

  • Menopause leads to a significant decrease in collagen production, resulting in reduced skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Changes in fat distribution during menopause can cause volume loss in the face, leading to a more drawn appearance.
  • Hormonal variations during menopause can affect skin hydration, potentially causing dryness or acne.

Episode Transcript

Welcome to “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.” Today, April 13th, we’re discussing an important subject often overlooked in aesthetic circles—the impact of menopause on facial features.

Recent insights underline how menopause doesn’t solely signal hormonal shifts but also brings noticeable changes to the skin. Collagen, the protein that provides skin structure, decreases significantly, with a reported 30% loss in the first five years of menopause. This results in reduced skin elasticity and firmness, contributing to wrinkles and sagging.

Additionally, fat distribution changes, often leading to volume loss in the face and a more drawn appearance. Hormonal variations also influence skin hydration and can exacerbate dryness or even lead to acne in some cases.

Understanding the connection between menopause and facial aesthetics is critical for professionals like myself in providing tailored care. The goal is to support individuals through this natural transition with informed, compassionate guidance—ensuring they feel as confident as ever.

This has been “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.” Here’s to sculpted confidence at every stage of life.

Aesthetic Medicine Minute Cover

Aesthetic Medicine Minute

with Dr. Teri Fisher

Daily insights, updates, and strategies for navigating the world of medical aesthetics, all in 1 minute per day.