Anti-Aging Insights Podcast Cover

AAI 68: Proactive Beauty: A Guide to Aging Gracefully

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Dr. Teri Fisher delves into the major trend of proactive beauty in aesthetics, as highlighted in Galderma’s NEXT report. Proactive beauty goes beyond just preventing aging; it focuses on taking early actions to ensure long-lasting beauty. This trend is fueled by the desire to address aging before it becomes visible and the increasing social acceptance of non-surgical treatments.

Consumers are investing in home prevention methods such as using sunscreen and antioxidants to combat skin damage. Light treatments like injectables are gaining popularity as less invasive alternatives to surgery. The significance of collagen in maintaining skin health is also highlighted, with biostimulators emerging as a key player in collagen regeneration.

The future of proactive beauty involves combining various treatments like skincare, nutrition, and injectables to prolong a youthful appearance. As these strategies evolve, individuals are exploring ways to stimulate collagen production, address bone loss, and combat hair thinning.

Dr. Teri Fisher emphasizes the importance of proactive beauty across all ages, with a growing interest in preemptive treatments among different demographics. Stay tuned for more insights on emerging trends in aesthetics from Dr. Fisher on future podcast episodes. Follow Dr. Fisher on Instagram @DrTeriFisher or visit for more updates.

Key Insights

  • Proactive beauty is a major trend in aesthetics, focusing on preventing signs of aging before they become apparent.
  • Consumers are increasingly interested in taking actions to maintain their beauty for the long term.
  • Home prevention methods such as using good skincare products with sunscreen and antioxidants are becoming more popular.
  • Light treatments like “tweakments” are preferred by consumers as less invasive alternatives to cosmetic surgery.
  • Collagen maintenance is a key focus in proactive beauty, with the usage of biostimulators to regenerate collagen.
  • There is a rise in people of all ages seeking preemptive anti-aging treatments to maintain a youthful appearance.
  • Future trends in proactive beauty may involve a combination of skincare, nutrition, injectables, and other modalities to prolong a youthful appearance.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Teri Fisher: [00:00:00] Hey there and welcome to this week’s episode of the podcast. I’m excited to share with you one of the major trends that we are seeing in aesthetics, and this comes from Galderma’s NEXT report that they did recently. If you tuned into last week’s podcast episode, which was episode number 67, we talked about the three overarching themes. Those were number one, increasing accessibility, number two, advancements in science and technology, and number three, social community. And we talked about how these three macro movements are really what are driving the way people are perceiving aesthetic treatments these days and what they are pursuing when it comes to seeing their practitioners.

Today, I wanted to jump into a little bit more detail about the first of the six trends that Galderma has identified in [00:01:00] this NEXT report. So, what I’ll do is over the next few weeks, I’ll talk a little bit about each one of these specific trends and how this is guiding our industry.

This first trend that we’re going to be talking about today is all about proactive beauty. Now there’s a lot to this. When you hear proactive beauty, the obvious thought is, well, how can we be proactive? How can we take actions to ensure that our beauty is there for years to come, but there’s actually a lot more to it than just that. And that’s exactly what I want to describe to you a little bit more today.

As I mentioned, this comes from Galderma. They’ve done an excellent job at determining these trends, and this is a lot of what is guiding their R & D going forward. So let’s talk about proactive beauty in a little bit more detail. This is all about addressing aging before it becomes apparent. And my work at Anti-Aging Medical and Laser Clinic [00:02:00] of course, supports of this trend, and we’ve been doing this for many, many years. This is all about prevention rather than correction. And this means that we are moving towards early interventions that prevent the signs of aging. What’s driving this? Well, it’s the question of what will I look like in 5, 10, 15 years, and will I be happy with that? Or are there things that I can do today to be proactive about my signs of aging?

Consumers are becoming more invested in this question, and this is supported by the fact that 47% of adults in the UK agree that social media has made getting non-surgical procedures more commonplace. This is becoming more normal for us, for society, because these treatments are so visible on social media that it’s no longer [00:03:00] considered to be a little bit of a taboo subject. These anti-aging treatments are mainstream.

How are people actually doing this? What actions are they taking to be proactive with their beauty? Well, they’re looking at home prevention. And that means that people are more aware of what they can do at home to take care of their skin. The most common examples I can give you of this, are UV rays and free radicals, and triggering changes in our skin. So how can we combat that? Well, it’s with good sunscreen, good antioxidants, essentially good skincare. And this is all about embracing better, more efficient, prescription strength, medical grade, skincare products that help to prevent, or at least slow down the signs of aging.

The other way that people are being proactive about this is starting with light treatments. Consumers in all age [00:04:00] demographics are looking at the less invasive treatments, they are sometimes even known as “tweakments” to provide an extension of their skincare routines instead of diving into something like cosmetic surgery. They see these non-surgical treatments, things like injectables, where there’s neuromodulators or fillers, they see these as ways of moderating their signs of aging. And it allows them to tap into these treatments in a way that are much less invasive than jumping into surgery.

Another way that the consumer is being proactive is through the preventative power specifically of collagen. More and more people are becoming aware of the fact that people lose collagen from the age of 20 on. Yeah, I know that’s a sobering fact, but it’s true. And so ways in which we can maintain that collagen is critically important for the [00:05:00] health of our skin. There are a number of different biostimulators that can be used to help regenerate some of that collagen, and it’s interesting because the coverage of these biostimulators in social media, grew eight times between 2010 and 2020, and this is clearly another trend that we are seeing.

And finally another way that we are seeing people being proactive with their anti aging routines, is simply the fact that this is becoming more and more prevalent in all of the ages. What we are seeing is, for example, nearly 75% of facial plastic surgeons reported increases in patients under 30 years old. Medical specialists equally see mid-life patients for strategic, preemptive treatments. So what we are seeing more and more people throughout various stages of their lives in all different ages being interested [00:06:00] in being proactive about their beauty, about their aging, about their lives. And I’ve seen this in my patients as well. I have a wide variety of ages, from twenties to eighties, and it’s really wonderful to see the way people are positively embracing ways that they can stay as healthy as possible and ensure that they feel as confident with how they are looking on the outside and making sure that that confidence that they have on the inside matches that as much as possible. So that’s a little bit about where we are today.

What does the future of proactive beauty look like? Well, today’s consumer is looking more and more about how they can prolong their youthful appearance for as long as possible. This may include stimulating their collagen and their elastin production, even more so, as well as addressing bone loss and hair thinning at the same time.

As these [00:07:00] proactive beauty strategies become more and more established, we’re likely to see various types of treatments combined to look at skincare, nutrition, injectables, and many, many other modalities that are going to help to prolong a youthful appearance for now and into the future.

And so I hope that gives you a little bit of a taste of that particular trend, proactive beauty, and again, if you haven’t heard the previous episode, please do that and go back and have a listen to my thoughts on the overall macro movements in this industry, and stay tuned in the coming weeks for the other specific trends that I’ll be highlighting when it comes to aesthetics.

Thanks for tuning in today. Feel free to follow me on Instagram at @DrTeriFisher or on my website, DrTeriFisher.Com. Talk to you again real soon.

Anti-Aging Insights Podcast Cover

Anti-Aging Insights Podcast

with Dr. Teri Fisher

Weekly interviews, insights, and inspiration to navigate the world of anti-aging and aesthetic medicine.