Anti-Aging Insights Podcast Cover

AAI 81: AI and Aesthetics: The Future of Personalized Beauty

July 23, 2024

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In this episode of “Anti-Aging Insights,” Dr. Teri Fisher dives into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its revolutionary impacts on the aesthetics industry. Dr. Fisher breaks down the fundamentals of AI, explaining how it’s employed to personalize aesthetic treatments, predict outcomes, and significantly enhance the overall patient experience.

Personalized treatments are one of the most exciting applications of AI in aesthetics. Dr. Fisher emphasizes the benefits of AI-powered systems that analyze skin types and conditions like pigmentation and wrinkles. These intelligent systems recommend the most effective treatments based on vast datasets, ensuring a highly personalized approach that far exceeds traditional methods. AI’s ability to process thousands of images and data points quickly and accurately allows for bespoke treatment plans, resulting in better outcomes and enhanced patient satisfaction.

Another game-changing application of AI is its predictive capability. Imagine knowing how your skin will react to treatments like Botox before they even take place. Dr. Fisher discusses how AI can simulate treatment outcomes, giving patients realistic expectations and reducing uncertainties. This predictive power is poised to enhance the natural look of aesthetic results and fine-tune the dosages for optimal efficacy.

Safety is paramount in aesthetic treatments, and AI contributes significantly to this aspect. By analyzing data and predicting outcomes, AI minimizes risks and ensures safer procedures. Dr. Fisher underscores the importance of this advancement—AI’s precision offers a safety net that was previously unimaginable.

Dr. Fisher also touches on AI’s ability to improve the client experience through empathetic interactions. Advanced chatbots and appointment systems streamline administrative tasks, allowing practitioners to focus more on building personal connections with their patients. This human touch, Dr. Fisher argues, is irreplaceable and is complemented—not overshadowed—by AI.

As AI technology continues to evolve, its integration into the aesthetics industry offers promising futures with unmatched efficiency, accuracy, and customization. Dr. Fisher is enthusiastic about these advancements and believes they will only enhance human expertise and patient care.

For more discussions on the intersection of technology and aesthetics, follow Dr. Teri Fisher on Instagram @DrTeriFisher.

Key Insights

  • AI is transforming the aesthetics industry by providing personalized treatments based on detailed skin analysis and historical data.
  • Artificial Intelligence can predict the outcomes of aesthetic treatments, offering a preview of potential results and optimizing treatment plans.
  • AI significantly enhances safety in aesthetic treatments by minimizing risks and ensuring more accurate and effective results.
  • While AI can improve efficiency and enhance client interactions through chatbots, the human touch and personal rapport remain irreplaceable in the patient-provider relationship.
  • The integration of AI in the aesthetics industry is in its early stages, and its potential applications will continue to grow, becoming more advanced and efficient over time.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Teri Fisher: Hello there and welcome to this episode of the Anti Aging Insights podcast. As always, I’m your host Dr. Teri Fisher and it’s wonderful to have you along with me today. Today I’m thrilled to dive into another really exciting topic, something that I am personally really passionate about and that is AI and technology when it comes to the aesthetics industry.

This is something that I’ve been involved with for quite some time in various aspects, whether it be language models, and I’m really excited to bring this passion to this field and we can talk about what’s happening when it comes to aesthetics and what the future brings as well for us.

We’re going to explore this intersection, this fascinating intersection between artificial intelligence and aesthetics. So this is going to be fun, this is going to be enlightening, and enjoy the discussion.

Let’s start off with just defining what AI is so that we’re all on the same page. So AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and it is revolutionizing everything in the world. If you’ve heard about ChatGPT or you’ve used ChatGPT, that is a form of AI. That’s a language model that samples various, not various, that samples millions, billions of different parameters and then brings those together and is able to give us output based on the computer’s learning. We can do a similar thing with pictures when it comes to people and skin. We can use AI to learn from previous practices and determine best treatments. There are so many ways that we can use this in our industry and that’s really what I want to talk about.

So first of all, let’s talk about the role of AI in personalized treatments. Now, this is something that I strive to do in my practice. I always try to make treatments extremely personalized. I don’t like a cookie cutter approach, but nevertheless imagine walking into a clinic and then having a system there that knows your skin as well as you do, or maybe even better.. There are AI technologies that can analyze your skin type and it will identify things, whether you’ve got some pigmentation issues, whether you’ve got some wrinkles, it’ll look at all these things and then it can suggest the most effective treatments. This isn’t just a gimmick. This is grounded in serious science and it all comes from AI learning, samples, and over time as computers start to pick up patterns in skin, they are able to identify what is the best resource, what is the best treatment, what is the best service for you.

AI can analyze thousands of images and data points way more quickly and way more accurately than any human could. Even the best physicians can’t do it as well as a computer. And so that is where that comes into play. Why is this significant? Well think of it in terms of having the finest tools in your hand. Better the tools for a craftsman, for example, the better the outcome. In aesthetics, getting a detailed, accurate representation of what your skin looks like means that then we can craft that much more of a better personalized treatment plan. This enhances not only the results, but it also just enhances the overall experience.

So that’s a little bit about the personalized aspect, but there’s another exciting use of AI and that’s predicting the outcomes of those treatments. So say we’ve determined which treatment you want, but now we want to predict what that outcome will be. Well, again, we’re just not sculpting confidence, we’re actually sculpting predictability and the artificial intelligence can now simulate what will happen when you do a treatment.

So that will show you how it will affect your skin, showing the potential results, showing you what realistic expectations you can have when it comes to your treatment. An example is neuromodulators, things like Botox. With AI, we can predict how specific doses will affect your muscle activity. And that, in turn, can lead to more natural looking results. Some of this stuff is in practice now. Some of the stuff, I should mention, is coming in the near future, but nevertheless, these are real things that can be done. Think of it as having a preview of your future self. It’s like trying on different versions of the future and finding the one which will be right for you and aligns best with your goals and your expectations. Maybe I want to try five units of neuromodulator in a particular area. Maybe I want to try eight units and I want to see what the difference is. Those are the types of things that we are going to be able to do very soon.

Now one of the other things that’s really important to me, and you’ll know this if you’ve heard some of my content, is safety. And when it comes to aesthetic treatments, this is in fact my top priority. AI has the capabilities to improve that and to make sure that we are doing things as safely as we possibly can. The predictive ability of the AI helps us to ensure that not only are we getting the results that we want, but also we are minimizing the risks of any treatment. It’s a game changer and it provides a safety net that was previously not available to us.

Now, of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the empathetic side of things, because one of the best compliments I’ve ever received is that not only did the client like her results, but she said that she really enjoyed the experience. And this is something that’s really important to me as well. I want any treatment, that whole experience to be as stress free and as enjoyable as possible. So, how can we use AI to make the experience more enjoyable? Well, I think it means continuing to refine the technology and creating chatbots, things that will allow us to book appointments, and actually interact with our clients in a much more effective, but also more empathetic way. And I do think that the AI is going to do that.

Now, having said that, I know what you’re thinking. Some of you may be thinking, what about the human touch? Can AI replace that connection? And I don’t think so. I think that when we are actually developing rapport in a client provider relationship, I don’t think, at least we’re not there yet, and who knows in the future maybe that’s going to happen, but I think this connection, the rapport that we get between two people, is something that is probably the hardest to reproduce from AI. And that’s why I think it is so important to have that connection with a client. AI can help us to be more efficient with everything else. And that allows us to have more time to have that connection with the patient. And I think that’s really important in developing trust, in understanding expectations, and having a good treatment from an enjoyable perspective overall. It allows us, a provider, I think, to be more involved in those nuanced aspects of the patient care.

So finally, let’s look at the future. The integration of AI is only going to grow. We are still in the infancy of this and it’s really really exciting to see where it’s going to take us. AI is going to get smarter. It’s going to get better. It’s going to become more efficient. And I think that we are going to start to see applications for this that we can’t even dream of right now. It is a really, really exciting time.

I will tell you that although the content that you are seeing from me, this is really me talking to you, I use AI a lot to help with my content distribution. And it’s a way that I can then offload some of that time that it takes to do the content, although it’s still all designed by me, I can now put that time and effort into developing those connections with my patients. And so I think that’s a good example of how we can use AI to make things more efficient, and it only adds, as opposed to takes away the value that I am able to give in the way that other practitioners that are using AI in the aesthetic space, is able to provide.

So in summary, I think AI is revolutionizing the world of aesthetics. We are only at the very beginning of this. It’s going to help us to be more personalized, more accessible, more safe and even more enjoyable. And I think it’s going to complement our human expertise and those connections that we can make with our patients to provide the highest level of care.

As we continue to advance, remember that the core of the aesthetic treatments, it’s about enhancing your natural beauty and sculpting that confidence, improving that confidence, boosting that confidence, and AI is going to help us to do that more effectively and safely. But again, the human touch is so important to have as well.

Thanks for tuning in today. If you’ve got any comments about this, I’d love to hear your comments. As I mentioned, this is actually an area that I’m very, very excited about and very passionate about. And so reach out to me on Instagram. As always, my handle is at DrTeriFisher, D R T E R I F I S H E R, or on my website, DrTeriFisher. com. Thanks for tuning in. Enjoy your week and I’ll talk to you again very soon.

Anti-Aging Insights Podcast Cover

Anti-Aging Insights Podcast

with Dr. Teri Fisher

Weekly interviews, insights, and inspiration to navigate the world of anti-aging and aesthetic medicine.