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In this episode of the “Anti-Aging Insights” podcast, Dr. Teri Fisher delves into the exciting world of non-surgical butt augmentation using different types of fillers. If you’ve ever been curious about enhancing your backside without undergoing surgery, this episode is for you.

Dr. Fisher starts by introducing Sculptra, a collagen stimulator made from poly-L-lactic acid. Unlike traditional fillers that offer immediate volume, Sculptra gradually increases volume over time by encouraging the body’s collagen production. The results, which appear over several weeks or months, offer a natural, subtle lift that can last up to two years.

Next, Dr. Fisher discusses hyaluronic acid fillers. Known for their instant results, these fillers use a naturally occurring substance in the skin to draw moisture to the treated area. This provides immediate, smooth, and fuller buttocks. The results generally last between six to twelve months, making it a flexible option for those seeking a temporary enhancement with minimal downtime.

The third option explored is Radiesse, made from calcium hydroxylapatite. Radiesse provides instant volume while also stimulating long-term collagen production, offering a firmer and more lifted appearance. The results can last up to 18 months or longer, making it ideal for those seeking both immediate and enduring benefits.

Dr. Fisher emphasizes that the choice of filler depends on personal preferences, desired results, and acceptable downtime. Sculptra suits those looking for gradual and long-lasting effects, hyaluronic acid fillers are perfect for quick fixes, and Radiesse offers the best of both worlds with immediate lift and long-term results.

Moreover, the episode touches on the possibility of combining these fillers for a customized approach tailored to individual goals. Dr. Fisher encourages anyone interested to book a consultation for personalized advice.

To explore these options further and discuss a customized approach, Dr. Fisher invites listeners to reach out via Instagram @DrTeriFisher or through his website,

Key Insights

  • Sculptra is a collagen stimulator made from poly-L-lactic acid that gradually increases volume in the buttocks over time by encouraging the body to produce its own collagen.
  • Hyaluronic acid fillers provide immediate results by drawing moisture to the injected area, giving a smoother and fuller look almost instantly, with effects lasting between six to twelve months.
  • Radiesse, made from calcium hydroxylapatite, offers both immediate volume and long-term benefits through collagen stimulation, providing a firmer and more lifted appearance with results lasting up to 18 months or longer.
  • The choice of filler depends on desired results, downtime tolerance, and duration of effects: Sculptra for gradual and long-lasting enhancement, hyaluronic acid for immediate and adjustable results, and Radiesse for a combination of instant lift and long-term firmness.
  • A combination of different fillers can be used for optimal results, and a personalized consultation is recommended to determine the best approach for individual goals and preferences.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Teri Fisher: Hey there and welcome back to this episode of the Anti-Aging Insights podcast. It’s great to have you here. I’m Dr. Fisher. And today we are diving into a topic that has been getting a lot of buzz lately, and this is all about, butt augmentation with various types of fillers. Now I know when people think of enhancing their backside, surgery often is the first thing that comes to mind. But what if I told you there was a way to sculpt and enhance your buttocks without going under the knife? That’s where a variety of different types of fillers come in. And it can be a very safe, effective, and minimally invasive option for those who are looking to boost volume, shape, and lift. So in this episode we’re going to break down three of the popular fillers that can be used for butt augmentation: Sculptra, hyaluronic acid fillers, and Radiesse. I’ll explain how they work, what makes each of them unique and who they’re best suited for so if you are curious about non-surgical butt enhancement, then this episode is for you. So let’s jump right in.

First up, we have Sculptra. If you’ve heard it before, it’s probably because it’s widely used for facial rejuvenation, but it’s also a great option for adding volume to the buttocks. So, what is it? Well, Sculptra is a collagen stimulator made from poly-L-lactic acid. It sounds a bit technical, but stay with me. Unlike fillers that give an instant result by directly adding volume, Sculptra works by encouraging your body to produce its own collagen over time, essentially getting your body to do the heavy lifting. Here’s how it works. After it’s injected the Sculptra stimulates collagen production, gradually increasing the volume in the treated area. What that means is that the results aren’t immediate, but that’s kind of the beauty of it because over several weeks or months, you start to notice a subtle lift and fullness that looks natural because it’s your own collagen that is creating the change. It’s perfect for someone who’s looking for a gradual enhancement rather than an instant change. It’s also great for improving the skin texture too, and the best part is that the results can last for up to two years and sometimes even longer. So it’s a long-term investment in the appearance with minimal downtime.

Now number two is hyaluronic acid fillers. And if you are someone who prefers instant results and you want to see those results right away, you don’t want to wait for the collagen to grow, then hyaluronic acid fillers might be more your speed. These are probably the most common type of filler out there, especially for the face, but they can also be used for buttock enhancement. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that naturally occurs in your skin, which is why these fillers are so popular for facial treatments. When it’s injected into the buttocks, hyaluronic acid fillers work by drawing moisture to the area, giving you a smoother fuller look almost immediately. The cool thing about these fillers is that they’re adjustable. If you want more volume later, you can always add more filler gradually. The results aren’t permanent. They typically last about six to 12 months, which is ideal if you’re looking for some temporary enhancement or if you’d like the flexibility to tweak it over time and try it out. So I would say that hyaluronic acid fillers are best for those who want a subtle, quick fix without the downtime. If you’ve got an event coming up, but you just want to try out a fuller look this could be a great option for you.

The third option that I want to briefly talk about is Radiesse. And this gives you an instant lift with longterm benefits. So if you’re after both the immediate volume and long-term improvement this might be your go-to type of filler. It’s a bit different from the hyaluronic acid and Sculptra. It’s made from calcium hydroxylapatite, which not only adds volume right away, but also stimulates the collagen production, similar to Sculptra. So you get that instant lift, but as time goes on, your body’s collagen production helps maintain the results. What’s great about the Radiesse is that it provides a firmer more lifted appearance compared to some other fillers. It’s a popular choice for those who want immediate enhancement, but with the added benefit of long lasting results, up to 18 months, sometimes longer. It’s ideal for people who want a bit more structure and firmness, as it tends to give a slightly more defined natural field.

So having said all that, you’re probably wondering, okay, so which one is right for me? Well, it really depends on what you’re looking for in terms of results, how much downtime you can handle and how long you want those results to last. If you’re after a slow natural enhancement that lasts a long time, Sculptra could be the perfect fit. If you need something more immediate with the flexibility to adjust, hyaluronic acid might be your best bet. And if you want both instant volume and long-term college stimulation, radiesse could check all the boxes for you.

What’s also interesting is that we can actually do a treatment with a combination of these. So sometimes we can use a little bit of Sculptra with some hyaluronic acid filler, and that way we get the best of both worlds. Of course the best way to figure this out is to book a consultation and have a discussion because everybody’s goals are different, so a customized approach is key.

So that’s a wrap on today’s quick episode on butt enhancements. We covered a lot, from gradual enhancements with Sculptra, to instant results with hyaluronic acid, to the firming benefits of Radiesse. Whether you’re curious about butt augmentation or you just want to learn more about non-surgical options, there’s something out there for everyone.

Remember the goal of any aesthetic treatment should be to enhance what you already have, not to completely change who you are, and with non-surgical fillers, you have the flexibility to make subtle changes that can boost your confidence without the commitment of surgery.

If you have any questions or you want to explore what treatment might be best for you, then of course feel free to reach out. I’m always happy to chat about how we can sculpt your confidence safely, naturally, and on your terms with what would be best for you in a customized approach.

Thanks for tuning in to Anti-Aging Insights. I’m Dr. Fisher. Feel free to connect with me on Instagram @DrTeriFisher or on my website, DrTeriFisher.Com, and I’ll catch you in the next episode.

Anti-Aging Insights Podcast Cover

Anti-Aging Insights Podcast

with Dr. Teri Fisher

Weekly interviews, insights, and inspiration to navigate the world of anti-aging and aesthetic medicine.