Aesthetic Insights

Brotox: The Rise of Male Botox in Aesthetic Medicine

2024-03-12T11:19:32-07:00March 3rd, 2024|

Discover "Brotox" on our podcast: men embracing Botox for confidence. Explore reasons behind the trend, camaraderie among patients, and the empowering benefits of self-care. Tune in for insights on safety and expertise in aesthetic medicine.

Groundbreaking Beauty Secrets: Botox & Cancer Research

2024-03-12T11:19:32-07:00March 1st, 2024|

Discover on "Aesthetic Medicine Minute" the groundbreaking study revealing Botox's potential in halting cancer growth. Explore implications, treatment strategies, and alignment with safety, expertise, and natural results in aesthetic medicine. Tune in for insightful healthcare innovations.

Aesthetic Medicine Minute: Quick Dose of Beauty Science

2024-03-12T11:19:32-07:00February 28th, 2024|

Dive into aesthetic medicine with Dr. Teri Fisher, your daily source for cutting-edge news and trends. In just a minute, uncover breakthrough treatments and beauty science. Join us on the move for your daily dose of insight. Welcome to the Aesthetic Medicine Minute!

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