Aesthetic Medicine Minute Cover

AMM 91: Botox Eases Jaw Pain and Acts Against Bruxism

May 28, 2024

Join us as we delve into a systematic review from the Department of Dental Medicine at Victor Babes University in Romania on the efficacy and safety of Botulinum toxin Type A (BoNT-A) for treating temporomandibular joint symptoms associated with sleep bruxism. Analyzing nine clinical trials with 137 participants, researchers found significant benefits in pain reduction, jaw function improvement, and decreased bruxism episodes. Despite mild and transient adverse effects, BoNT-A shows promising potential in managing these disorders.

Quick Takes

  • A systematic review from Victor Babes University in Romania examined the efficacy of Botox in treating temporomandibular joint symptoms associated with sleep bruxism.
  • Analysis of nine randomized clinical trials involving 137 participants revealed that Botox significantly reduces pain, improves jaw function, and decreases bruxism episodes.
  • Adverse effects of Botox treatment were generally mild and included injection site pain and minor cosmetic changes.

Episode Transcript

Today is May 28, 2024. A recent systematic review from the Department of Dental Medicine at Victor Babes University in Romania has explored the efficacy and safety of Botulinum toxin Type A (Botox), in treating temporomandibular joint symptoms associated with sleep bruxism, or teeth grinding.

The review analyzed nine randomized clinical trials involving 137 participants. Findings suggest that Botox significantly reduces pain, improves jaw function, and decreases the frequency of bruxism episodes. For example, one study showed a reduction in mean pain scores from 7.1 to 0.2 over six months to a year post-treatment. Another demonstrated a decrease in bruxism events from 4.97 per hour to 1.70 per hour in those treated with Botox.

Adverse effects were generally mild and transient, including injection site pain and minor cosmetic changes.

These results highlight the potential benefits of Botox in managing sleep bruxism and temporomandibular joint disorders. While promising, more extensive studies with consistent methodologies are needed for conclusive evidence.

Aesthetic Medicine Minute Cover

Aesthetic Medicine Minute

with Dr. Teri Fisher

Daily insights, updates, and strategies for navigating the world of medical aesthetics, all in 1 minute per day.