AMM TOMORROW’S EPISODE: Introducing the Aesthetic Medicine Minute: Your Daily Dose of Beauty Intel
Quick Takes
- Botox’s longevity can vary for individuals
- Zinc, when combined with phytase, may enhance Botox’s effects
- Consult an aesthetic medicine physician before considering zinc supplements
Episode Transcript
Hey there, it’s March 13th, and you’re listening to “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.” Today we’re diving into a fascinating discovery that’s been making waves in the world of aesthetic medicine.
Everyone’s familiar with Botox, the go-to for smoothing out those pesky wrinkles. But a recent piece from Health.com has shed light on a new twist — zinc might just be the secret ingredient to making Botox’s effects last longer.
Here’s the scoop: Botox works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles, which leads to less frowning, squinting, and, well, wrinkle-creating facial expressions. But Botox’s longevity has always been a bit of a ‘your mileage may vary’ situation.
Researchers have been on the lookout for ways to help us get a bit more bang for our buck, and it turns out, zinc could be part of the answer. A study mentioned in the article shows that a boost in zinc levels, combined with the enzyme phytase, might extend Botox’s smooth-sailing effects.
Our bodies need zinc for a whole host of bodily functions, and it’s essential for over 300 enzymes. Given Botox is a type of enzyme, well, you start to see where the connection forms.
The idea is, patients taking zinc supplements with phytase see an increase in their Botox longevity. Now, truth be told, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and you shouldn’t be running to the supplement aisle just yet. Always consult your aesthetic medicine physician.
So, while we’re not pushing for a zinc-revolution just yet, it’s definitely an intriguing bit of news in our approach to aesthetic treatments. And as always, safety and individual care remain top priority.
Thanks for tuning in. Talk to you tomorrow for another dose of “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.”

Aesthetic Medicine Minute
with Dr. Teri Fisher
Daily insights, updates, and strategies for navigating the world of medical aesthetics, all in 1 minute per day.