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AMM 84: MHRA Cracks Down on Glasgow’s Illegal Botox Warehouse

May 21, 2024

Dr. Teri Fisher from Vancouver, BC brings you the latest in aesthetic medicine news on the “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.” In this episode, we discuss the seizure of unlicensed and un-prescribed aesthetic products in Glasgow, including dermal fillers and botulinum toxin. Learn about the dangers of using unauthorized products and the importance of seeking treatments from certified professionals. Stay informed and stay safe with the “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.”

Quick Takes

  • Authorities in Glasgow seized unlicensed and un-prescribed products, including non-compliant dermal fillers and botulinum toxin.
  • The operation was conducted by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency following concerns raised by the public and Police Scotland.
  • Botulinum toxin injections like Botox and dermal fillers should only be administered by qualified professionals to ensure safety.

Episode Transcript

Hello and welcome to today’s episode of the “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.” I’m Dr. Teri Fisher, here in Vancouver, BC, and today is May 21, 2024.

In a significant development, authorities in Glasgow have seized a large quantity of unlicensed and un-prescribed products from a warehouse in the city’s north. The seized items include nearly 400 non-compliant dermal fillers, 320 non-compliant needles, and more than 180 vials of unlicensed botulinum toxin, known for its use in treatments like Botox.

The operation was carried out by the criminal enforcement unit of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), following concerns raised by the public and Police Scotland. The products were reportedly being stored, distributed, and sold from this location.

Botulinum toxin injections, such as Botox, are prescription-only medicines that should only be administered by a qualified professional after a one-on-one consultation. Similarly, dermal fillers, used to smooth lines and add volume, require careful handling and should only be administered by certified practitioners to ensure safety.

Councillor Ruairi Kelly of Glasgow City Council emphasized the dangers of these unlicensed products. He noted the high demand for cosmetic procedures and raised concerns over practitioners holding pop-up clinics in unsuitable locations. Andy Morling, Deputy Director of Criminal Enforcement at MHRA, stressed that using these powerful medicines without proper authorization can lead to serious health risks.

Stay safe and always ensure your treatments come from licensed professionals. I’m Dr. Teri Fisher, and this is “Aesthetic Medicine Minute.” Remember, confidence is about making informed choices. Tune in tomorrow for more updates.

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Aesthetic Medicine Minute

with Dr. Teri Fisher

Daily insights, updates, and strategies for navigating the world of medical aesthetics, all in 1 minute per day.