Anti-Aging Insights Podcast Cover

AAI 76: Sculpting the Perfect Chin with New Fillers

June 18, 2024

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In this episode of “Anti-Aging Insights,” Dr. Teri Fisher delves into the latest advancements in chin augmentation using newly available fillers. Dr. Fisher highlights the importance of understanding client desires through thorough communication. Every client has unique needs, such as retruded, protruded, long, or short chins, which determine the approach taken.

Patients’ aesthetic goals also vary in terms of seeking a more masculine or feminine chin. For instance, a feminine chin is often about the width of the nose, while a masculine chin is wider, approximately the width of the mouth, giving off a more squared appearance.

Dr. Fisher emphasizes the use of firm fillers for chin sculpting. Unlike softer fillers used in other facial areas, chin fillers need to simulate bone to provide structure and shape. Recently, the market has seen the introduction of highly stiff fillers designed specifically for chin augmentation, leading to remarkable results.

Two newly launched products stand out. The first is Restylane SHAYPE, which features NASHA HD technology from Galderma, boasting the highest G prime and firmest gel in their line. Dr. Fisher has successfully used this product, noting its impressive outcomes. The second is SCULPT by Revanesse, known for its low swell ratio and high G prime, ideal for deep tissue volumizing and lift capacity. Both fillers are applied deep near the bone to mimic its role in jaw structure.

Dr. Fisher invites listeners to view a recent chin treatment performed using these advanced fillers on his Instagram profile, @DrTeriFisher. He encourages open discussions with healthcare providers to select the best filler based on individual needs and preferences.

Tune in next week for more insights into non-surgical cosmetic treatments and their ever-evolving landscape.

Key Insights

  • Chin fillers require a discussion with clients to understand their specific desires and anatomical considerations, such as retruded or protruded chins, as well as long or short chins.
  • The choice of filler is influenced by whether the client wants a more masculine or feminine chin; a masculine chin is typically the width of the mouth, while a feminine chin aligns more with the width of the nose.
  • Stiff fillers that mimic bone structure are used for sculpting chins, ensuring they provide the necessary strength and shape.
  • New products on the market, such as Restylane SHAYPE and Revanesse SCULPT, offer particularly firm fillers with high G prime and low swell ratios, enhancing the effectiveness of chin augmentation.
  • Clients should consult with their healthcare providers when considering fillers, as there are various options available designed to meet different sculpting needs.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Teri Fisher: Welcome to this podcast, Dr. Fisher here. And today we are talking all about the new fillers that are on the market that are perfect for chin augmentation.

Today I want to tell you a little bit about the approach to chin filler, a little bit about how I go about doing that, and also a little bit about the products that we use, specifically as there are a couple of new products on the market, and this has opened up a whole bunch of new options for clients that are coming in to have their chins augmented in various ways.

So to start us off, one of the very first things that I like to do whenever I see a client is have a discussion. Communication is key. And whether we’re talking about neuromodulator or whether we’re talking about filler, it’s really important to have a good understanding of what it is the client wants. Assuming that the client is now interested in something with regards to their chin, as that is the topic of today’s podcast episode, we dive into even more details about what that means. Because some people can have a retruded chin, or a chin that appears to be pushed back relative to the front of the face when you look at the person on a profile. A person can have protruded you to chin. A person can have a long chin. A person can have a shorter chin, and when I say long and short, I mean the vertical height of the chin, whether it drops down relatively low, or whether it’s actually sitting up quite high. There are various measurements that we can actually take with regards to the chin as well. We can look at various lines that run down vertically along the face in relation to the tip of the nose, in relation to the nasal bridge, there are various measurements that we can take. Ultimately, what we want to do is determine what it is the client wants to achieve with any modifications to their chin.

Another thing that’s very important to consider is whether this person is going for a more masculine looking chin or a more feminine looking chin, because there definitely are differences in the way that we would sculpt that chin. Here’s another example. Traditionally speaking, a feminine chin is approximately the width of the nose. So you can look in the mirror and you can see how this works in your case, but that’s traditionally what has been known as a feminine chin, is when the chin is approximately the width of the nose.

When you look at a more masculine chin, you’re then looking at a chin that is approximately the width of the mouth. So it’s wider and that gives that more squared off look of the lower jaw and the chin. And so these are also very important aspects that must be taken into account when we are talking about the chin.

Now, when it comes to actually sculpting the chin it’s quite amazing what we can do when it comes to elongating the chin or having the chin protrude more. And the way we accomplish that is with using very stiff filler. As you may know, and you may have heard me speak about this before, there are different types of fillers, lots of different types of fillers. And some of them are a little bit more soft, some of them are a little bit more firm. And in the case of chin filler, specifically for the chin, we want a very firm filler. Essentially what that filler is doing, it is acting like bone. It is taking the role of that bone and creating that strength and that shape to the chin.

And this is where things get very, very exciting because we have had a number of fillers on the market that are quite firm, but in particular more recently, over the past couple of months, we have seen companies that have been in the filler industry for a very long time launch new types of fillers that are designed specifically for the chin. These fillers are very stiff. In fact, they are some of the firmest fillers that they have in their line. This makes it very effective when it comes to sculpting a chin.

So I just want to highlight a couple of these brands that we are now using in our clinic. One of them is called Restylane SHAYPE. In this case shaype is spelled S H A Y P E. And this was recently launched in Canada. The SHAYPE is quite remarkable in that it is a new NASHA HD technology from Galderma. It has the highest G prime and it is the firmest gel available as far as their line goes. So this one works extremely well. I’ve had the pleasure of using it and I have seen the type of results that you can get with this filler.

Another one that also has recently been released on the market is one by Revanesse. And in this case, this one is SCULPT, and SCULPT also is now their filler in their line that has the highest G prime. They also state that it has the lowest swell ratio of the hyaluronic acid gels, which is great for creating that lift capacity and volumizing the deep tissue areas.

So both of these can be used for sculpting of the chin. They both are placed very deep, typically down close to the bone, because again, we are trying to emulate what bone does for the jaw.

Now, if you’re interested in seeing a recent patient that was treated by me, you can always go and check out my Instagram profile, where I recently posted a chin treatment that I did using one of these brand new high G prime fillers. My Instagram account is at Dr. Teri Fisher, D R T E R I F I S H E R, and of course you’re welcome to have a look at that. Love to hear comments on that, and of course we’d love to get your feedback.

So that’s just a little bit of information today about chin fillers, some of the new products on the market. There are still other companies that are making fillers that are appropriate for chins and those continue to be there as well so we have lots of variety. Practitioners have lots of choice when it comes to choosing the appropriate fillers. Make sure that you are discussing this with your healthcare provider when it comes to getting your fillers done.

That’s all for today. I hope that was interesting to you. And I look forward to speaking with you again next week. Until then be well, and I’ll talk to you soon.

Anti-Aging Insights Podcast Cover

Anti-Aging Insights Podcast

with Dr. Teri Fisher

Weekly interviews, insights, and inspiration to navigate the world of anti-aging and aesthetic medicine.