Aesthetic Medicine Minute Cover

AMM 197: Sculptra Revolutionizes Natural Anti-Aging at Facile Skin

September 10, 2024

In this episode, explore the growing popularity of Sculptra, a collagen-boosting injectable that offers a gradual and natural approach to combating aging. Dr. Nancy Samolitis and Dr. David Saadat provide insights into Sculptra’s bio-stimulatory properties, its tissue regenerative benefits, and why it’s becoming a top choice for both younger and older patients. They also discuss the importance of patient education, the shift towards natural results, and the need for careful consideration and finding an experienced injector. Additionally, learn about alternative treatments like micro-needling for those looking to boost collagen without injections. Stay informed about the latest advancements in aesthetic medicine and make confident beauty choices.

Quick Takes

  • Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate collagen growth gradually
  • Sculptra’s bio-stimulatory properties help fill volume loss in the temples and cheeks
  • Sculptra offers a more gradual and lasting result, lasting up to two years post-treatment

Episode Transcript

Today is September 10, 2024. Have you heard the buzz around Sculptra? This collagen-boosting injectable is rapidly gaining traction in the world of aesthetic medicine. Unlike traditional hyaluronic acid-based fillers, Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate collagen growth gradually, providing a natural approach to combat aging.

Dr. Nancy Samolitis, founder of Facile Skin, explains that Sculptra’s bio-stimulatory properties help fill volume loss particularly in the temples and cheeks, and even offer a glow to the skin thanks to increased collagen production. Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon Dr. David Saadat adds that recent studies reveal Sculptra’s tissue regenerative benefits, making it a top choice for both prevention in younger patients and subtle restoration in older ones.

Why the sudden surge? Patient education and a shift towards natural results are key factors. Hyaluronic acid fillers, known for their immediate effects, have faced backlash due to potential complications like migration and unnatural looks. Conversely, Sculptra offers a more gradual and lasting result, lasting up to two years post-treatment.

However, it’s essential to approach Sculptra with caution. While generally safe, outcomes can vary, and finding an experienced injector is crucial to minimize risks like nodule formation. If you’re considering this treatment, be prepared for a commitment, as results develop over multiple sessions.

For those exploring other options, micro-needling remains a viable alternative to boost collagen without injections. Whether you opt for Sculptra or another treatment, always discuss your goals thoroughly with your provider to ensure the best, most natural-looking results. Stay informed and confident in your beauty choices!

Aesthetic Medicine Minute Cover

Aesthetic Medicine Minute

with Dr. Teri Fisher

Daily insights, updates, and strategies for navigating the world of medical aesthetics, all in 1 minute per day.