“The happy hour of voice!”
A Reality Show with Premium Access to the Voicefluencers…
and YOU on the hot seat!
NEW!!! Also on Clubhouse!!


The Voice Den is the place to have a live chat with the Voicefluencers – the most influential personalities in the voice industry.
Selected participants will sit on the hot seat and talk live with these voice mentors. Ask some burning questions, get some consulting or advice for your latest voice project, or just talk about your favourite beer.
It’s up to you. The floor is yours.
(Yes… It’s kind of like Shark Tank, but better!)
The Voice Den Voicefluencers
Meet the special guest mentors for the March 24, 2021 session.
“The Announcer”
Greg Bulmash
“The Startup Legolator”
Rana Gujral
“The Philosopher”
Brooke Hawkins
“The Architect”
Anna Mackenzie
Jeremiah Owyang
“The Voice Doctor”
Dr Teri Fisher, Host
Virtual Experience
Webinars get old, fast. It’s time to redefine what it means to attend a virtual event. The Voice Den brings the spontaneity of live events, the fun of a reality game show, while ditching the stale parts of traditional online webinars.
Hanging Out
With Voicefluencers & Friends
The best part about in-person events is meeting up with friends, colleagues, and mentors. Who says you can’t do that online?! The Voice Den is all about hanging out, laughing, and just plain having fun…. oh, and maybe learning a thing or two.
How Does it Work?
A Live Studio Audience… sort of…
- Reserve your seat for The Voice Den.
- The moment you grab your ticket, you can start chatting with others in the Den (i.e. right NOW!).
- With a drink and some snacks in hand, enter The Voice Den. Show up a few minutes early to shoot the breeze with others! We kick things off at 5pm PDT / 8pm EDT SHARP!
- Raise your hand (so to speak – you’ll see!) if you want to be invited onto the hot seat to ask the Voicefluencers some questions. Or be a fly on the wall and keep your hand down if you tend to be the strong, silent type!
- Selected people will be called on to sit in the hot seat, join the show live, and have a powwow with the mentors. How are the participants chosen? You’ll have to wait and see!
- Make the most of your time with the Voicefluencers. Trust me, you’ll know when your time is up!
- Repeat with a new person on the hot seat.
- 60 minutes later, when we’re all done, rave about The Voice Den.
- Join the next session.
- Apply to be a Voicefluencer on an upcoming session (see bottom of this page).
Recent Sessions
February 24, 2021
The Voice Den: Session 10
G | 1h 6min | Reality Talk-Show | 24 February 2021
Double digits – Session 10 already!! As usual, this episode was action-packed. Nick and Caitlin answered a few questions about monetization in the voice industry from their perspectives. Diana dropped knowledge bombs about voice user interface design, and Ahmed generously was graced us with his wisdom… and his “voice from above!”
Dr Ahmed Bouzid, Diana Deibel, Caitlin Gutekunst, Nick Schwab
January 27, 2021
The Voice Den: Session 9
G | 1h 2min | Reality Talk-Show | 27 January 2021
We covered a lot of topics in this session of The Voice Den! Leslie speaks about her experience in specific verticals with respect to Google Assistant. Shyamala and Jon share some controversial voice predictions. And last but certainly not least, Karol and Katherine talk about what it has been like to build their respective voice communities.
Leslie Garcia-Amaya, Shyamala Prayaga, Katherine Prescott, Jon Stine, Karol Stryja
December 16, 2020
The Voice Den: Session 8
G | 1h 3min | Reality Talk-Show | 16 December 2020
The last session of The Voice Den was full of energy and a diverse range of topics, featuring Voicefluencers from 5 different countries. Rebecca and Emily talk about iterating and using various tools for VUI design, and Jennie speaks about voice from an international perspective. Finally, we end the year with bang, with Ashwin and Michal talking about the voice community in 2020 and what to look forward to in 2021. Happy holidays!
Rebecca Evanhoe, Ashwin Karuhatty, Emily Lonetto, Michal Stanislawek, Jennie Stenhouse
November 14, 2020
The Voice Den PARTY: Session 7
G | 1h 59min | Reality Talk-Show | 14 November 2020
Teri celebrates his 1000th Voice in Canada flash briefing with a huge cast of 24 voicefluencers on this very special PARTY session of The Voice Den. The Voice Den Band makes it’s world debut, and prizes worth over $2000 are given away!
Sofia Altuna, Audrey Arbeeny, Adam Cheyer, Heidi Culbertson, Julie Daniel Davis, Pete Erickson, Lisa Falkson, Allen Firstenberg, Dave Isbitski, Brandon Kaplan, Roger Kibbe, Theodora Lau, Bradley Metrock, Joan Palmiter Bajorek, Rupal Patel, Bianca Phillips, Noelle Silver, Emerson Sklar, Mark Tucker, Ian Utile, James Vlahos, Arianne Walker, Kesha Williams
October 21, 2020
The Voice Den: Session 6
G | 1h 8min | Reality Talk-Show | 21 October 2020
Julie and Roger discuss what it’s like to be an evangelist in their respective areas (with one key difference – $$$!), Allen and Bob explore the topic of wearables and the intersection with voice, and James explores how we can use voice to remember those that have passed on.
Julie Daniel Davis, Allen Firstenberg, Roger Kibbe, Bob Stolzberg, James Vlahos
September 23, 2020
The Voice Den: Session 5
G | 1h 8min | Reality Talk-Show | 23 September 2020
Sofia and Heidi tackle the “future of voice” question, Dave talks about his origin story in voice, Emerson and his microphone go toe-to-toe (and Emerson comes out on top!) and Bradley starts some voice acquisition rumors (and then squashes them).
Sofia Altuna, Heidi Culbertson, Dave Kemp, Bradley Metrock, Emerson Sklar
August 26, 2020
The Voice Den: Session 4
G | 1h 9min | Reality Talk-Show | 26 August 2020
Lisa tells us how she uses voice technology at home, Mark talks dev (as if there was any doubt!), Rupal and Theo share their expertise on finance and voice, and Brandon debates voice-first vs voice-only.
Lisa Falkson, Brandon Kaplan, Dr. Rupal Patel, Theodora Lau, Mark Tucker
July 22, 2020
The Voice Den: Session 3
G | 1h 7min | Reality Talk-Show | 22 July 2020
Adam explains why an entrepreneur and magician are similar, Ilarna and Kesha share what they are most excited about after the Alexa Live 2020 event, Joan spends a hypothetical $100M, and Jeff keeps his eye on an auction.
Dr Joan Palmiter Bajorek, Jeff Blankenburg, Adam Cheyer, Ilarna Nche, Keesha Williams
June 24, 2020
The Voice Den: Session 2
G | 1h 5min | Reality Talk-Show | 24 June 2020
JP spills the beans on one of Teri’s nicknames, Rachel and Noelle give some incredible tips to build amazing chatbots, Arianne plays “Name that Tune” (and talks about Echo Auto), and we discover that Ian lives in an unusual place.
Rachel Batish, James ‘JP’ Poulter, Noelle Silver, Ian Utile, Arianne walker
May 20, 2020
The Voice Den: Session 1
G | 1| Reality Talk-Show | 20 May 2020
Audrey Arbeeny, Pete Erickson, Dave Isbitski, Bret Kinsella, Bianca Phillips
Previous Voicefluencers
These special guests have previously appeared on The Voice Den.
“The Audio Brain”
Audrey Arbeeny
“The Modevator”
Pete Erickson
“The Voice for Voice”
Dave Isbitski
“The Navigator”
Bret Kinsella
“The Jedi Knight (of Law)”
Bianca Phillips
“Bot Woman”
Rachel Batish
“The Godfather of Voice”
James ‘JP’ Poulter
“Captain Kindness”
Noelle Silver
“The Optimist”
Ian Utile
“The Driver”
Arianne Walker
“Rosie the Researcher”
Dr Joan Palmiter Bajorek
“The Purveyor of Pop”
Jeff Blankenburg
“The Magician”
Adam Cheyer
“Miss Prof”
Ilarna Nche
“The Champion”
Kesha Williams
“VUI Queen”
Lisa Falkson
“Captain Kaplan”
Brandon Kaplan
Theodora Lau
“Notorious RP”
Dr Rupal Patel
“Open Sourcerer”
Mark Tucker
“Tuna the Doer”
Sofia Altuna
Heidi Culbertson
“The Duke of Sound”
Dave Kemp
“This Week in Voice VIP”
Bradley Metrock
“The Scout”
Emerson Sklar
“Lady Lightning Fingers”
Julie Daniel Davis
Allen Firstenberg
“The Evangelist”
Roger Kibbe
“The Anomaly”
Bob Stolzberg
“Low E”
James Vlahos
“Professor UX”
Rebecca Evanhoe
Ashwin Karuhatty
Emily Lonetto
“The Utterman”
Michal Stanislawek
“The Builder”
Jennie Stenhouse
“The Partner Accelerator”
Leslie Garcia-Amaya
“The Duchess of Voice”
Shyamala Prayaga
“The Brewer”
Katherine Prescott
“Standards Man”
Jon Stine
“The Connector”
Karol Stryja
Dr Ahmed Bouzid
“Tin Foil Hatter”
Diana Deibel
“The Instigator”
Caitlin Gutekunst
“The Sleeper”
Nick Schwab
About the Creator & Host
Teri Fisher, MSc, MD
Teri Fisher is a Sport & Exercise Physician and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He is an experienced TEDx and keynote performer, author, podcaster, briefcaster, educator, and consultant, who loves sharing his excitement and passion for voice-first technology. Teri has been recognized as an Amazon Alexa Champion and Samsung Bixby Premier Developer.
Teri is the founder and host of the “Voice in Canada” blog and podcast, the leading voice tech resource in Canada and one of the top resources in the world. He is the host of the award-winning “Voice in Canada” flash briefing, the #1 rated flash briefing and news skill in Canada. Teri also serves the voice community through his free course, “Flash Briefing Formula”, the most comprehensive flash briefing resource available today.
Teri is also the founder of Briefcast.FM, the premier flash briefing network that curates the best flash briefings available on Amazon Alexa. Additionally, he has a passion for ehealth innovation, and produces the Voice First Health podcast and educational health catalog of flash briefings.
His latest project, The Voice Den, combines his passions for voice technology and education in a fun, relaxed and entertaining style.