Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers: at a Glance

Dermal Fillers are a popular treatment option in Vancouver to help restore volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial contours for a refreshed appearance.

What is it?

  • Dermal fillers are injectable substances made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, or other biocompatible materials that are carefully selected for safe and effective results.
  • Dermal fillers are used for a range of cosmetic concerns, such as filling in wrinkles, adding volume, and enhancing facial contours for a more youthful and balanced appearance.
  • Dermal fillers are injected into a variety of areas of the face, including the temples, cheeks, lips, tear troughs, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and other areas that may have lost volume over time.
  • Dermal fillers work by adding volume to targeted areas, effectively plumping up the skin and smoothing out wrinkles or depressions, creating a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.
  • The injections are done using fine needles or cannulas, depending on the treatment.
  • Treatment typically takes only a few minutes.
  • Duration of dermal fillers varies depending on a variety of factors, but on average, results can last from several months to a year or more.
Treatment Time
in Office 



Time to
See Results






(Skin Reaction)






Everything you Need to Know about getting Dermal Fillers in Vancouver

Dermal fillers, like hyaluronic acid and other biocompatible materials, are injectable substances designed to restore volume and smooth out wrinkles. Imagine them as little plumping agents that, when injected into specific areas of the face, work like adding extra stuffing to a pillow. As we age, our skin loses some of its natural fullness, resulting in lines and depressions. Dermal fillers step in to address this, gently filling in those areas to create a more youthful and balanced look.

Dermal fillers are versatile tools in the realm of aesthetic medicine, often harnessed to address a range of concerns. Much like a sculptor creating a masterpiece, dermal fillers are strategically injected into multiple areas of the face areas that could benefit from a touch of rejuvenation. They can be used to fill out temples, reduce tear trough depressions, plump up lips, contour a jawline or chin, or restore volume to cheeks that have lost their youthful fullness over time. Additionally, they’re effective in smoothing out lines and wrinkles, akin to an eraser gently smoothing away imperfections. Whether it’s enhancing facial harmony or simply helping you feel like the best version of yourself, dermal fillers can be adapted to your unique canvas, resulting in a more confident and revitalized appearance.

The procedure itself is brief with minimal discomfort, often completed in a single office visit, allowing you to carry on with your day with minimal interruption. There is essentially no downtime, making the treatment a convenient option for people with busy schedules.

The longevity of dermal fillers varies depending on the specific filler used and the treatment area. Generally, the effects can last from several months to over a year. Regular touch-ups can help maintain that fresh and vibrant appearance.

When getting filler, the placement of the injection, down to the millimetre, can make all the difference. If you decide to go ahead, make sure that you choose an experienced injector in Vancouver who is knowledgeable in the anatomy of the face.

Keep reading below to find out even more about dermal filler treatments in Vancouver.

Dermal Fillers: an Overview

Before choosing a place in Vancouver to get  Dermal Filler treatments, it’s a good idea to have an understanding of what is involved. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know.

Why consider dermal fillers?

Just like a well-loved book might show signs of wear and tear over time, our skin undergoes changes as we age. Factors like genetics, sun exposure, and the natural loss of collagen and elastin can lead to wrinkles, volume loss, and sagging. This can cause features that were once vibrant to appear a bit faded. Dermal fillers step in like a skilled restoration artist, addressing these effects by replenishing lost volume and smoothing out imperfections. Think of them as the touch of a master craftsman, helping to revive the beauty that might have faded over the years. So, whether it’s softening lines, restoring youthful contours, or simply enhancing what you already have, dermal fillers provide a way to refresh and rejuvenate, much like giving a cherished piece of artwork a new lease on life.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable substances used in cosmetic medicine to restore volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial features. Imagine them as small, tailored doses of rejuvenation that are carefully place in specific areas, helping your skin appear more plump and youthful. Just as a skilled tailor can adjust a garment to fit perfectly, Dr. Fisher uses dermal fillers to subtly enhance your natural beauty, creating a refreshed and revitalized look. These fillers can be made from various materials including hyaluronic acid, a molecule already found in our bodies, or other biocompatible substances that ensure both safety and effectiveness. If you’re considering giving your skin a helping hand, dermal fillers offer a way to bring back some of that youthful vibrancy and enhance your already beautiful canvas.

How do Dermal Fillers work?

Dermal fillers work by gently reshaping and revitalizing your appearance. The filler’s substance adds volume and plumps up the skin, softening wrinkles and folds. It’s a bit like using putty to fill and smooth out imperfections on a surface, but in this case, the canvas is your skin. The results are a refreshed and more youthful look. The process is carefully tailored to your individual needs, ensuring that the final result is harmonious with your unique features. Just as a sculptor meticulously shapes his masterpiece, Dr. Fisher safely and skillfully injects the filler, helping you achieve a natural and enhanced version of yourself.

Where can you inject dermal fillers?

Dermal filler can be injected in a variety of location on the face (and elsewhere), including:

  • Cheeks: Fillers can be injected into the cheeks to restore volume and create a lifted, youthful look. This can improve the overall contour of the face and diminish the appearance of sagging.
  • Nasolabial Folds: These are the lines that run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Fillers can soften these lines.
  • Marionette Lines: These lines extend from the corners of the mouth downward, resembling the strings of a marionette puppet. Fillers can minimize their prominence, giving a more refreshed appearance.
  • Lips: Lip fillers can enhance the volume and definition of the lips. Whether you’re looking for a subtle enhancement or more noticeable fullness, fillers can create natural-looking results.
  • Jawline: Filler injections along the jawline can provide better definition and balance to your facial profile. Please note that the approaches to masculine and feminine jawlines are different and these treatments should be done by someone experienced in treating both men and women.
  • Chin: Fillers can be used to enhance the chin’s projection or vertical length. This can improve the balance of your facial proportions.
  • Temples: Temple fillers can restore volume to this area, reducing the appearance of hollowing and providing a more youthful look.
  • Under-Eye Hollows (Tear troughs): Fillers can be injected to address dark circles and hollows, making you look more refreshed.

Remember, the goal of filler injections is to enhance your natural beauty and address specific concerns. During your consultation, Dr. Fisher discusses your individual goals and creates a treatment plan that focuses on the areas that matter most to you.

What are the benefits of Dermal Fillers?

There are many benefits to using dermal fillers, including:

  • Dermal fillers are a non-surgical option for rejuvenation, sparing you the downtime of more invasive procedures.
  • Dermal filler treatments are quick and relatively painless, making them a convenient option for people with busy schedules.
  • Filler treatments have minimal downtime and you can resume your regular activities right away.
  • Fillers can add volume and contour to areas that have lost their youthful plumpness over time.
  • Fillers are adept at smoothing out wrinkles and lines.
  • With dermal fillers, you can enhance specific features, such as plumping up lips or enhancing cheekbones.
  • The results are often immediate, letting you step back into the world with a renewed confidence.
  • Risks of complications or side effects and very low.
  • Filler treatments can be combined with other anti-aging treatments, such as neuromodulators or laser treatments, to achieve more comprehensive results.
How much Filler can you inject?

The amount of filler Dr. Fisher injects is a delicate balance, much like adding spices to a recipe. It’s all about achieving natural-looking results and enhancing your unique features without overdoing it. Dr. Fisher carefully evaluates your individual needs and consider factors such as the treatment area, your facial structure, and your desired outcome. Just as a skilled chef knows the right amount of seasoning to bring out the best flavours, he know how to precisely inject the filler to create a harmonious and balanced look. Rest assured, Dr. Fisher’s goal is to enhance your natural beauty while ensuring you maintain your unique character. So, whether it’s a subtle enhancement or a more noticeable change, he will help guide you toward results that make you feel confident and revitalized.

How can I prepare for a filler treatment?

To prepare for a dermal filler treatment, you should:

  • Avoid taking any medications that can increase your risk of bleeding, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, for at least a week before the procedure (under the supervision of your family doctor).
  • Staying hydrated in the days leading up to your treatment can help optimize your skin’s condition.
  • Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours before the procedure.
  • Avoid wearing makeup or other products on the area to be treated on the day of the procedure. Alternatively, we can remove the makeup in the clinic.
What happens during a standard Dermal Filler treatment?

A standard filler treatment with Dr. Fisher and his team is a bit like a carefully choreographed dance – it’s a well-practiced routine that aims to enhance your natural beauty. Here’s what typically unfolds:

  1. Consultation and Planning: Dr Fisher and his team start by discussing your goals and concerns. This is like a rehearsal, where everyone aligns on the desired outcome. The team evaluates your facial structure and recommends the best approach for your unique features. Photos are taken so we can get excited when we compare the before and afters!
  2. Preparation: Before the actual treatment, your skin is cleaned, and topical or local anesthetic is applied is necessary.
  3. Injection: Dr. Fisher uses precise injections to deliver the filler into the targeted areas. Depending on the treatment area, Dr. Fisher selects the best techniques to ensure even distribution and natural-looking results.
  4. Sculpting and Shaping: Like an artist fine-tuning their masterpiece, Dr. Fisher sculpts and shapes the filler to achieve the desired contours and volume. This step is crucial for achieving a harmonious and balanced look.
  5. Assessment: Once the filler is in place, Dr. Fisher assesses the results and makes any necessary adjustments.
  6. Aftercare: The team provides you with post-treatment instructions. This might include avoiding certain activities or using certain products to ensure optimal healing.

Much like a well-executed performance, a standard filler treatment is a combination of careful planning, skilled execution, and a touch of artistry. The goal is to enhance your natural beauty and leave you feeling confident and rejuvenated.

Is a dermal filler treatment painful?

Think of a dermal filler treatment as a momentary pinch, similar to the sensation of plucking a guitar string. Most people find the discomfort quite manageable.

To make the experience as comfortable as possible, Dr. Fisher often uses ice, a numbing cream, or topical anesthetic before the treatment. This helps to minimize any potential discomfort. Additionally, many filler products contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic, which further reduces sensation during and after the treatment.

It’s important to remember that while there might be a momentary sensation, the results of the treatment can be incredibly rewarding. The minor discomfort of a filler treatment is a small investment for the enhanced and rejuvenated look you’ll achieve.

What should I Expect After a filler treatment?

After a filler treatment here’s what you can generally expect:

  • Immediate Results: You’ll notice some immediate improvements. However, there might also be some initial swelling or minor bruising.
  • Downtime: Any swelling or bruising should subside within a few days. You might want to plan some short downtime after the treatment to allow your skin to recover.
  • Natural Look: As the days go by, the filler will settle and integrate, creating a more natural and balanced appearance.
  • Longevity: The results of the filler treatment can last several months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used and the treatment area.
  • Maintenance: If you decide to maintain the results, you might schedule touch-up treatments.
  • Enjoyment: Ultimately, you’ll likely enjoy the refreshed and revitalized appearance that the filler treatment brings.

In essence, after a filler treatment, you can anticipate a mix of immediate gratification, some temporary effects, and the gradual settling of beautiful results.

What is the downtime from a filler treatment?

While downtime can vary from person to person and depending on the treatment area, it’s typically minimal. Immediately after the treatment, you might experience some mild swelling or minor bruising. This can last for a few days.

You can help minimize downtime by following post-treatment instructions, such as avoiding vigorous exercise and refraining from touching or massaging the treated areas.

Generally your life can continue with minimal interruption after a filler treatment. You might want to plan your treatment timing to allow for any potential downtime, but rest assured that any temporary effects are just part of the process on the way to enjoying your revitalized appearance.

What should I do after the lip lines Botox treatment?

A good cup of coffee or tea is always recommended! ;) Actually, the post-treatment care for a standard filler treatments is pretty simple. Typically it’s best to avoid strenuous activity and also to avoid rubbing or massaging the treated area. This can help prevent the filler from spreading.

When will I see results of the filler treatment?

Think of dermal fillers as artists bringing their creations to life – their work becomes more evident as they add the finishing touches. After a filler treatment, you might notice some immediate improvements, like the first few brushstrokes on a canvas. These initial results are often visible right after the injections.

However, the full effects of the filler treatment become more apparent as time goes on, much like a painting coming together as the artist adds layers of color. Over the next few days to a week, any initial swelling or minor bruising will subside, allowing the filler to settle and integrate with your skin. It’s during this time that you’ll truly see the natural-looking results of the treatment.

So, while you might catch a glimpse of the performance right away, give the filler a bit of time to fully showcase its effects. Just as a masterpiece becomes more captivating with each glance, your enhanced appearance will gradually reveal itself, leaving you with a revitalized and more confident look.

How do you know if the filler treatment was successful?

The success of a filler treatment is in the harmony of the elements and the confidence it brings. Dr. Fisher’s hallmark of his filler treatments is a natural look. If your features appear enhanced, yet still in harmony with your facial structure, it’s a sign that the treatment was skillfully done. The successful filler treatment should seamlessly enhance your natural beauty, and also leave you feeling more confident and revitalized. If you find yourself looking in the mirror with a sense of satisfaction and self-assurance, the treatment has likely achieved its goal.

Ultimately, your satisfaction with the results is the true measure of success. If you’re happy with the way you look and feel more comfortable and confident in your skin, then the treatment has achieved its intended purpose. Your own sense of satisfaction and the positive feedback you receive from others are indicators of a successful filler treatment. If the results align with your goals and leave you feeling empowered and rejuvenated, then the treatment can be considered a success.

Dermal Filler Treatments in Vancouver: Are Results Dramatic?

Well, yes and no… Think of the results of a filler treatment as a subtle spotlight, highlighting your natural beauty without stealing the show. The goal is to create enhancements that are noticeable yet harmonious. Dermal filler results are designed to be natural and gradual. While the improvements can be striking, they’re not typically overly dramatic or artificial. Instead, the filler enhances your features in a way that’s believable and balanced.

If you’re concerned about looking “done” or drastically different, rest assured that Dr. Fisher prioritizes creating results that align with your individual characteristics. It’s all about enhancing your unique beauty and bringing out your best features, leaving you looking refreshed and confident, not dramatically altered. So, think of the filler treatment as an understated yet impactful addition.

Will my face look “done” after a filler treatment?

Absolutely not! Dr. Fisher’s approach is all about achieving subtle and balanced results that complement your unique features. The goal is for your face to appear refreshed and rejuvenated, not dramatically altered.

So, no worries about looking “done” – Dr. Fisher’s aim is to make sure you leave with renewed confidence, feeling like the best version of yourself. In fact, this is one of the 5 key pillars of his practise.

How long do the results of filler treatments last?

The duration of filler results can vary depending on several factors. The type of filler used, the treatment area, your individual metabolism, and your skincare routine can all influence how long the results last. On average, the dermal fillers can last anywhere from 6 months to over a year, with the results of a filler treatment gradually fading over time.

During your consultation, Dr. Fisher and his team will discuss your specific goals and expectations, allowing them to create a treatment plan that aligns with your desired timeline and maintains your results for as long as possible.

Are dermal fillers safe?

Dermal filler treatments are generally considered very safe when performed by a trained and experienced healthcare provider, and safety is one Dr. Fisher’s 5 key pillars of his aesthetics practise. However, as with any medical procedure, there are some potential risks and side effects (see below).

What are the Potential Side Effects of dermal filler treatments?

Although dermal filler treatments generally are considered safe and effective, there are some potential side effects to be aware of. The most common side effects of filler may include:

  • Transient mild redness at the site of the injection. This typically resolves extremely quickly, within a few minutes to hours.
  • Transient mild swelling at the site of the injection. This typically resolves within a few days.
  • Bruising at the injection site may occur. While this is infrequent, it is typically mild when it occurs and resolves within a few days. (A little bit of makeup goes a long way if you happen to get a small bruise.)
  • In extremely rare cases, an allergic reaction, infection, numbness or muscle weakness may occur.

In general, filler treatment side effects are typically temporary and resolve on their own within a few days. The best way to prevent side effects is to work with a skilled healthcare provider in Vancouver. It is also important to discuss any potential risks and side effects with the qualified healthcare provider before undergoing a Botox treatment. Dr. Fisher ensures that you are completely informed at Anti-Aging in Vancouver.

What are the Potential complications of dermal filler treatments?

Complications from dermal filler treatments are extremely rare, but it’s important to be aware of them nonetheless. Understanding them helps you make informed decisions. This is what you should be aware of:

  • Infection: As with any injection in any part of the body, there’s a slight risk of infection at the injection site. However, proper hygiene during the treatment helps minimize this risk.
  • Vascular Complications: Extremely rarely, the filler material might inadvertently enter a blood vessel, causing blockages or reduced blood flow. This can lead to skin tissue damage. However, skilled injection techniques and knowledge of facial anatomy significantly reduce this risk.
  • Nodule Formation: Small nodules or lumps might form under the skin. These are usually temporary and can be massaged or treated if needed.
  • Migration: In rare cases, the filler might shift from the intended injection site. However, proper technique minimizes this risk, and the filler typically stays in place.
  • Allergic Reactions: While extremely rare, allergic reactions can occur. However, reputable fillers are designed to minimize the risk of allergies.

It’s important to emphasize that these complications are exceedingly rare. Dr. Fisher’s experience and training allows him to minimize these risks and prioritize your safety. During your consultation, Dr. Fisher and his team will discuss your medical history and address any concerns you might have, ensuring that you’re well-informed and comfortable with your decision to undergo a filler treatment. Your well-being is Dr. Fisher’s top priority (read about Dr. Fisher’s commitment to safety here).

Who can have dermal filler treatments?

Dermal filler treatments are generally appropriate for most people, although there are a few exceptions. These include:

  • Children and teenagers, as the safety and effectiveness of fillers in these age groups has not been established.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, as the effects of fillers on a developing fetus or infant are not known.
  • People with certain medical conditions, such as muscle or nerve disorders, bleeding disorders, or allergies to any of the ingredients in fillers.
  • People who are taking certain medications, such as blood thinners or antibiotics, as these can affect the safety and effectiveness of a filler treatment.

Again, it is important to discuss your medical history and current health status with your healthcare provider before undergoing a filler treatment. This helps to ensure that the treatment is safe and appropriate for you. As part of the standard consultation process at Anti-Aging in Vancouver, Dr. Fisher ensures that dermal filler is appropriate for you prior to performing any treatments.

What’s the age limit for dermal fillers?

There is no specific age limit for fillers, as the safety and effectiveness of the treatment has been established in people of all ages. The treatment is most commonly used by people in their 20s and up, who are looking for ways to improve the appearance of their skin and reduce the signs of aging. Ultimately, the suitability for dermal fillers depends on individual factors beyond age, such as skin condition, facial structure, and aesthetic goals. Dr. Fisher assesses your unique needs during a consultation to determine the best approach for you.

Are dermal fillers appropriate for men?

Absolutely! Dermal fillers are just as appropriate for men as they are for women. Men can benefit from dermal fillers to enhance their appearance, address specific concerns, and maintain a confident and youthful look.

Whether it’s addressing lines, restoring volume, or enhancing specific features, dermal fillers can help men achieve natural and subtle results. It is important to note that masculine features have different proportions than feminine features, and it is vital to seek a health care provider who has knowledge and experience of treating a masculine face.

Dr. Fisher’s does indeed treat many men and his goal is always to maintain a masculine and balanced appearance. If you’re a man considering dermal fillers, rest assured that the treatments can be customized to enhance your features while preserving your individual character. Your confidence and comfort are Dr. Fisher’s priorities, and he aims to guide you through the process to achieve results that align with your goals.

How Much Does Dermal filler cost in Vancouver?

The cost of a dermal filler treatment in Vancouver varies depending on a number of factors. These can include the person’s individual needs and goals, the volume of filler used, and the specific area(s) being treated. Having said that, the cost of a filler treatment in Vancouver starts at about $750. The exact price depends on the number of syringes used, the other areas treated at the same time, and other factors. We would be pleased to give you a more accurate estimate for your treatment during your consultation at Anti-Aging in Vancouver.

Why get Dermal filler Treatments by Dr. Fisher at Anti-Aging Medical and Laser Clinic in Vancouver?

When you Choose to get dermal filler treatments by Dr. Fisher at Anti-Aging Medical and Laser Clinic in Vancouver you’ll experience exceptional care and results. Here’s why:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Dr. Fisher’s expertise in aesthetic medicine ensures that you’re in the hands of a skilled professional. With a strong background in both anatomy and injectables, he offers a comprehensive understanding of facial aesthetic and the technical skills to achieve the results you want.
  2. Customized Approach: Dr. Fisher takes a personalized approach to each patient. He carefully evaluates your facial structure and listens to your goals to create a treatment plan that enhances your unique features.
  3. Natural Results: Dr. Fisher’s approach prioritizes natural-looking results. He understands that subtle enhancements can have a significant impact on your overall appearance and confidence.
  4. Safety and Comfort: Dr. Fisher prioritizes your safety and comfort throughout the entire treatment process. From the consultation to the procedure and aftercare, you’re in caring hands.
  5. State-of-the-Art Clinic: Anti-Aging Medical and Laser Clinic is equipped with modern technology and a welcoming atmosphere. This ensures that your treatment experience is of the highest quality.
  6. Patient-Centric Care: Dr. Fisher and his team focus on providing patient-centric care. Your needs, concerns, and goals are at the forefront of every decision made.
  7. Reputation and Trust: Dr. Fisher’s reputation for friendly, approachable, and laid-back personality, in addition to his commitment to your well-being and satisfaction, has earned him trust and loyalty from his patients.

To book an appointment with Dr. Teri Fisher at Anti-Aging Medical and Laser Clinic in Vancouver, feel free to click on the button below or call 604-261-9121.

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“Sculpted Confidence”

Crafted by Dr. Teri Fisher